
Thursday Jan 09, 2020
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 01.08.20
Thursday Jan 09, 2020
Thursday Jan 09, 2020
The New Menace that Surpasses Psychiatry
My discussion with researcher-filmmakers Aaron and Melissa Dykes will open your mind to what the future holds for all our brains and minds—and it is far more insidious and potentially transformative of society than the primitive and yet already tragic shenanigans of so-called modern psychiatry. For anyone who has wondered where a failed psychiatry will go—here is the answer that is now unfolding.
I have spent much of my life fighting psychiatric oppression in the form of primitive attempts at controlling the brain and mind through neurotoxic drugs, electroshock, and psychiatric brain surgery. Now the FDA has approved electronic mind control in the form of Monarch, a device for flooding the brains of children with wholly destructive electrical impulses in the name of treating ADHD. Yet Monarch is crude compared to what billionaire entrepreneurs are close to implementing, not just for the “mentally ill,” but for all of us. Please listen pay attention to this stunning analysis and exposé of mind control—past, present and future—with researcher filmmakers Aaron and Melissa Dykes, who created the incredible full-length documentary film, The Minds of Men, which has already been seen by millions.