
Friday Jul 05, 2019
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 07.03.19
Friday Jul 05, 2019
Friday Jul 05, 2019
My guest Jeffrey Masson PhD may be the greatest writer ever about the emotions of animals. What Jane Goodall is to chimpanzees in the wild, Jeff is to our dogs and to the whole broad spectrum of animal life in relationship with human life. Always science based, he writes artistically about their relationships with us. Today’s show is all about animals and especially about dogs and what we as a species have learned from our co-evolution with them. What emotions do they have that we share? Do they have unique emotions? Can we feel things they cannot feel? What have we learned from them about love, trust, and forgiveness. Recently an article has come out describing how dogs are the only non-human creatures who have learned to move their eyebrows to show their emotions and always in relation to us. Dogs and humans, Jeff suggests, are “one species,” having evolved together. I do not think I’ve ever had a conversation on or off the air in which so many new ideas and nuances about human and animal life have come out. For me, this show is a treasure! Please share this hour with me and Jeff.