
Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 09.29.21
Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
Kirk Milhoan MD, PhD should be and is an American hero—until COVID-19. He is a man with such a deep faith in God that he bases his life upon it. He gets a PhD in cardiac physiology and pharmacology and then his MD, followed by a pediatric residency and fellowship in pediatric cardiology. To pay for all this medical training, he joins the U.S. Airforce and serves two combat tours in Iraq, and he is awarded “Doctor of the Year” for the entire Airforce in 2008. He finishes his military career as a pediatric cardiologist and a flight surgeon in 2009.
But that is not enough, there are more people, especially children, to be helped. Along the way, in 1999, with his amazing wife, Kimberly Milhoan MD, a pediatric cardiac anesthesiologist, they create “For Hearts and Souls.” It is an international mission organization that cares for congenital heart disease children around the world. His career from then on is primarily devoted to serving children with congenital cardiac disease. Those of you who follow "The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour" have already met his wife Dr. Kimberly Milhoan, a physician who is as remarkable as her husband, and a team that must make the angels smile.
Answering the needs of people for both spiritual and nutritional nourishment, Dr. Milhoan becomes the senior pastor of the Calvary Chapel South Maui in Hawaii in 2014 and also organizes a free food distribution service. On Maui, he also creates a federally recognized free medical clinic, where he treats the poor and the homeless, going to them in their desperate living conditions because they lack the strength and capacity to come to him.
This is a man who deserves our highest esteem. Like so many other honorable, truth-seeking physicians, when COVID-19 strikes his community, he begins successfully treating his patients with the best, most scientifically documented treatments, including hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, and steroid inhalants. Among his first 100 patients, only two are hospitalized, and they were already very ill before reaching him. None of his patients die. For this… for successfully treating COVID-19 patients despite a government campaign to leave these sick people without treatment…he is now under hateful attack, a situation so bizarre I will let him tell the story on this video.
It is an honor to know Doctors Kirk and Kim Milhoan. Their two individual interviews will be followed up with an interview with them together sometime in late November 2021 to share with us their astonishing, faith-based marriage, and mutual devotion to humanity.