
Thursday Jan 11, 2024
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour - 1.10.24
Thursday Jan 11, 2024
Thursday Jan 11, 2024
ears ago, I decided that there was only one-way psychiatrists could thrive as ethical, genuinely helpful professionals. Indeed, it was the only way the profession could begin to redeem itself from its crimes against humanity. An honest psychiatrist would entirely reject giving drugs and instead be devoted to helping people come off psychiatric drugs with as little suffering and disability as possible while providing psychotherapy aimed at empowering people to build better, more independent lives for themselves.
I chose this professional direction for myself, and I had a few colleagues who shared this path with me; but they were older men and women, even older than I am. No one younger ever came up through the modern psychiatric system with his or her ethics intact. Psychiatry winnows out or crushes every potentially caring, truth-seeking new professional.
That has now changed! Somehow a young psychiatrist has made it through not only his training but also brief stints at the FDA and the pharmaceutical industry, and now he is building his practice around helping people come off psychiatric drugs while benefitting from therapy. His name is Josef Witt-Doerring, MD. He is a treasure!
In the interview with me and my wife Ginger, we help to introduce Josef to the world, although he already has a strong social media presence and has interviewed me. He works with his wife, who is also a psychiatrist, and with other professionals, providing individual and group services for coming off medication and receiving psychotherapy therapy. You can find him at Josef Witt-Doerring (@taperclinic) / X (twitter.com).
Josef is not quite the purist that I have been since I first went into private practice in 1968 and vowed to myself I would not prescribe drugs except, in the process withdrawing people from them. On his website, he mentions that a very small percentage of people might need antidepressants, but in his interview with us, that did not come through as an important aspect of his thinking. It’s very clear that Josef’s goal is to help people come off drugs and that he would never push them on anyone — and I am happy to endorse his work.
Our interview also looks at the importance of truth in our lives and how the dominant systems around us all seem bent on suppressing the truth. We talk about how and why so many people seem so willing to sacrifice truth to having a job and getting along. We share how wonderful it is to seek and create a way of life in which we can be our genuine selves by finding the courage to live life without compromising our most cherished values.
Learn more about Dr. Peter Breggin's work: https://breggin.com/
See more from Dr. Breggin's long history of being a reformer in psychiatry: https://breggin.com/Psychiatry-as-an-Instrument-of-Social-and-Political-Control
Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal, the how-to manual @ https://breggin.com/a-guide-for-prescribers-therapists-patients-and-their-families/
Get a copy of Dr. Breggin's latest book:
Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey
Get a copy: https://www.wearetheprey.com/
“No other book so comprehensively covers the details of COVID-19 criminal conduct as well as its origins in a network of global predators seeking wealth and power at the expense of human freedom and prosperity, under cover of false public health policies.”
~ Robert F Kennedy, Jr
Author of #1 bestseller The Real Anthony Fauci and Founder, Chairman and Chief Legal Counsel for Children’s Health Defense.