
Thursday Nov 02, 2017
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 11.01.17
Thursday Nov 02, 2017
Thursday Nov 02, 2017
My marvelous guest is Pam Popper PhD who is devoting her life to informed decision-making in medicine, which includes informed nutrition and informed mental health. You can meet me and Pam in person next week in Columbus, Ohio at her conference, November 10-12. I’m cosponsoring and have invited the great Danish critic of psychiatry, Peter Gøtzsche, to be there, too! Meanwhile, this is an incredible radio hour about nutrition and good health, and how the establishment corrupts these vital services. A blue ribbon for Pam! Conference information is available at www.breggin.com or www.wellnessforumhealth.com

Thursday Oct 26, 2017
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 10.25.17
Thursday Oct 26, 2017
Thursday Oct 26, 2017
Wayne Douglas is a benzo survivor who has gradually recovered over many years and who helps to organize the annual World Benzodiazepine Awareness Day (W-BAD). He has a great deal to teach us about both the harms and recovery from these highly addictive drugs that cause so much harm to mental functioning. His life story is inspiring as well in exemplifying how individuals can overcome environmental disadvantages and the cruelties of modern psychiatry.

Wednesday Oct 18, 2017
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 10.18.17
Wednesday Oct 18, 2017
Wednesday Oct 18, 2017
Journalist and educator Patrick Hahn joins me to share a theme that has increasingly drawn my attention—the industrialization of our lives from before birth to after death. The Pharmaceutical Empire along with the medical/psychiatric industry thinks nothing of poisoning children in the womb with drugs that cross the placenta to harm fetal development and that after birth cross through the mother’s milk to keep the deadly process going. The giant food industry pushes substitutes for mother’s milk and the intimacy of nursing, and then continues from childhood on selling poisonous, expensive foods to make our children obese and to send them as adults into chronic illness and early graves. Patrick does a great job focusing on his special interest, the psychopharmaceutical industry; but we also look more broadly at how much our physical and mental lives are shaped by soulless profit-making industries in collaboration with big government.

Thursday Oct 12, 2017
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 10.11.17
Thursday Oct 12, 2017
Thursday Oct 12, 2017
Pam Popper, ND, PhD is the nutritionist who has vastly improved my life and my wife Ginger’s life. We have a wide-ranging talk about the similar problems in medicine, psychiatry and nutrition, most of which are driven by industrial profit making instead of sound ethics and science. Pam and I share our mutual critiques and our vision for how it should be in these life-saving fields that too often ruin lives. Hear about our cosponsored conference November 10-12, 2017 in Columbus, Ohio, including two talks by me and two by the amazing Peter Gøtzsche, MD from Denmark. Peter is a real scientist , a profound critic of conventional medicine and psychiatry, and a wildly entertaining speaker; you don’t want to miss him.

Thursday Oct 05, 2017
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 10.04.17
Thursday Oct 05, 2017
Thursday Oct 05, 2017
My guest is Dr. Jeanne Stolzer, professor of child development and a dear friend, who has opened my eyes to new ideas since I first met her. Our conversation epitomizes where my thinking is going—toward the integration of nutrition and relationship as the keys to human life, going back to the unborn child in its mother’s womb and then the nursing infant and mother. From the start of life, relationship and nutrition are inextricable. In earlier societies, relationship and nutrition were part of the culture in the form of eating together and religious rituals. We will become a much more physically healthy and much saner society when we improve the lives of the fetus, infant, and young child through improved nutrition and intimate relationship consistent with ages of evolution and our biological nature. It may require society providing economic support for mothers to stay home with their children in the early years. As Jeanne’s research confirms, nursing and intimacy in infancy are not only good for child but also for the mother’s overall physical and mental health. How could it be otherwise? It is how we survived and evolved; it is built into millions of years of biological and cultural evolution! As my own recent changes in nutrition and progressively improving relationships confirm, the benefits of good nutrition and good relationships continue into our older years. Please listen to this show and check out my upcoming conference with nutritionist Pam Popper in Columbus, Ohio November 10-11, 2017 (www.breggin.com, Upcoming Events).

Thursday Sep 28, 2017
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 09.27.17
Thursday Sep 28, 2017
Thursday Sep 28, 2017
A potentially lifesaving show where I talk in the second half hour about nutritional changes you can make that can improve your physical health dramatically The first half hour briefly describes our upcomingcombined nutritional and emotional well-being conference, starting on November 12 in Ohio. (https://breggin.com/category/upcoming-events/). Then I am joined by my guest Peter Gøtzsche, the marvelous, heroic Danish physician, and critic of psychiatry who will be speaking at the conference as well. Today’s original show was planned for an hour with Dr. Gøtzsche but technical problems intervened, and I ended up spontaneously giving my first one-half hour talk on nutrition. Changing how you eat can improve your health beyond expectations--and you can do it while buying relatively inexpensive foods from your grocery story without paying for a special diet or costly useless supplements.

Thursday Sep 21, 2017
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 09.13.17
Thursday Sep 21, 2017
Thursday Sep 21, 2017
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – replayed from 12.21.16

Wednesday Sep 20, 2017
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 09.20.17
Wednesday Sep 20, 2017
Wednesday Sep 20, 2017
Lawyer and cardiologist Brant Mittler MD is man of enormous insight into the problems of monitoring and evaluating medical and psychiatric treatment, and brims over with enthusiasm for critically intelligent conversation. We talk about a psychiatrist Brant reviled in his medical training, and how I was later an expert against the same doctor. The psychiatrist was abusing his patients and when they complained he would send them to Harvard for lobotomies. Here about the remarkable outcomes of my two cases against him. Brant also read my Michelle Carter Blog Series based on my experience as the medical expert for the girl who supposedly told her boyfriend to get back in his fume-filled truck to die. I finished my blog series today on MadinAmerica.com, also accessible through breggin.com. The Michelle Carter trial is a model for how our society has turned on its children, sacrificing them to the greed of adults and adult institutions including the justice system and psychiatry, and the omnipresent seemingly omnipotent Pharmaceutical Empire.

Thursday Sep 07, 2017
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 09.06.17
Thursday Sep 07, 2017
Thursday Sep 07, 2017
John Read PhD is a psychologist who has taught and researched in Great Britain, Australia and the US. He has taken on many of the most important mental health issues of our time: the role of neglect and abuse in all so-called mental disorders, the role of trauma in hearing voices, the dreadful impact of long-term exposure to antidepressants, the harm of ECT, and the best approaches to healing emotional suffering, including family interventions. John ‘s voice is positive as he keeps us in touch with the most encouraging innovations, including the growing strength of the movement of voice hearers. A very good show!

Thursday Aug 31, 2017
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 08.30.17
Thursday Aug 31, 2017
Thursday Aug 31, 2017
The best one-hour discussion about nutrition available anywhere. Nutritionist Pam Popper PhD discusses why people now have so many medical problems that barely or never existed before modern times, such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and kidney disease, as well as seemingly infinite numbers of immune disorders. The answer is nutrition: we humans no longer eat what evolution prepared us to eat. From there we discuss the general relationship between poor nutrition and emotional problems. Finally, in detail, we talk about the best science-based diet now available, one that’s inexpensive enough to eat on food stamps. This is an amazingly important educational hour.