Wednesday May 15, 2024
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour - 5.15.24
Wednesday May 15, 2024
Wednesday May 15, 2024
The Breggins on their fight for freedom!
Peter and Ginger discuss the highest priorities and greatest distractions in the fight for freedom today. The discussion is personal because the observations impact all of our lives, but it’s also highly political and sometimes feels out of reach, far beyond our influence.
How do we decide what matters? How do we live happily and with satisfaction in what sometimes seems like the worst times in our lives? With more than 100 years of reform work between them, they share how they have taken on evil in the world while making their own lives feel worthwhile.
Learn more about Dr. Peter Breggin's work: https://breggin.com/
See more from Dr. Breggin's long history of being a reformer in psychiatry: https://breggin.com/Psychiatry-as-an-Instrument-of-Social-and-Political-Control
Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal, the how-to manual @ https://breggin.com/a-guide-for-prescribers-therapists-patients-and-their-families/
Get a copy of Dr. Breggin's latest book:
Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey
Get a copy: https://www.wearetheprey.com/
“No other book so comprehensively covers the details of COVID-19 criminal conduct as well as its origins in a network of global predators seeking wealth and power at the expense of human freedom and prosperity, under cover of false public health policies.”
~ Robert F Kennedy, Jr
Author of #1 bestseller The Real Anthony Fauci and Founder, Chairman and Chief Legal Counsel for Children’s Health Defense.
Wednesday May 08, 2024
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour - 5.8.24
Wednesday May 08, 2024
Wednesday May 08, 2024
Yes, the elite and ruling class predators, as they have done during COVID and are continuing to do more vigorously with the genetic jabs, want to kill people worldwide. They especially want to eliminate citizens of the constitutional democracies that stand in the way of their dominating the world.
Involuntary “euthanasia” (murder) has become one of the numerous strategies for crushing and killing us. By killing older people, they also cull the population, getting rid of “unproductive” or “useless” citizens, in the style of many modern dictators, from Hitler and Stalin to Mao and Xi Jinping, and on to Bill Gates, the global cabal that supports population control.
During COVID in Great Britain, under orders from the National Health Service (NHS) and the British government, special protocols during COVID gave Do Not Resuscitate orders (DNR) to every patient entering care homes. The government also gave so-called treatment protocols to these patients with the short-acting benzodiazepine midazolam, combined with morphine — a deadly combination that suppresses breathing and causes death. They gave the combo in sufficient strength to kill otherwise healthy people — and hundreds of thousands of died in the British care homes.
Jacqui Deevoy, a British journalist, is our highly articulate and scrupulously accurate guest who addresses these issues. The comparison with the mass murder in U.S. nursing homes, especially those in progressive states, is eerie and enlightening.
Using COVID as a justification for the deadly jabs and for systematic murder are global strategies. Hearing our British journalist guest address euthanasia reminds us that these strategies are indeed global.
We conclude with a discussion of how murderous human leadership has been since the dawn of civilization as people with violent intentions toward other people began taking over villages, tribes, nations, and empires — killing hundreds of millions along the way. The growing power of the global predators is enabling them, our latest bloodthirsty leaders, to begin imposing a new wave of mass murder on humanity.
Jacqui Deevoy has two films out about medicalized murder and related issues, “A Good Death?” (2021) and “Playing God” (April 2024).
Learn more about Dr. Peter Breggin's work: https://breggin.com/
See more from Dr. Breggin's long history of being a reformer in psychiatry: https://breggin.com/Psychiatry-as-an-Instrument-of-Social-and-Political-Control
Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal, the how-to manual @ https://breggin.com/a-guide-for-prescribers-therapists-patients-and-their-families/
Get a copy of Dr. Breggin's latest book:
Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey
Get a copy: https://www.wearetheprey.com/
“No other book so comprehensively covers the details of COVID-19 criminal conduct as well as its origins in a network of global predators seeking wealth and power at the expense of human freedom and prosperity, under cover of false public health policies.”
~ Robert F Kennedy, Jr
Author of #1 bestseller The Real Anthony Fauci and Founder, Chairman and Chief Legal Counsel for Children’s Health Defense.
Thursday May 02, 2024
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour - 5.1.24
Thursday May 02, 2024
Thursday May 02, 2024
One of our greatest privileges and most satisfying rewards of speaking truth to and about global power is our frequent contact and discussions with many of the most honorable, brave, and brilliant doctors and scientists in the health freedom arena. We are blessed beyond measure to continue to meet and share ideas and make friends with people around the world who care as much as we do about liberty, life, freedom to make one’s own decisions about health, and who are also engaged in living an ethical life, even at great cost.
Today, we present one of the best scientific discussions with one of the best medical experts on issues surrounding the coordinated imposition of the COVID jabs on us and the overnight global imposition of other highly coordinated draconian measures.
Canadian physician Michael Palmer, MD, is the senior author of mRNA Vaccine Toxicity, the deepest and most comprehensive book to date on the deadly science of genetic jabs, with coauthors like Sucharit Bhakdi, MD.
Dr. Palmer, who was a professor until he spoke too much truth in 2022, has great skills as a communicator on otherwise complex scientific concepts. In a very easy-to-listen-to and absorb style, he explains the purposes and dangers of mRNA technology, which has led him, like us, to warn against any further use of it. He also explains why none of the ongoing mRNA vaccine carnage is by chance.
Learn more about Dr. Peter Breggin's work: https://breggin.com/
See more from Dr. Breggin's long history of being a reformer in psychiatry: https://breggin.com/Psychiatry-as-an-Instrument-of-Social-and-Political-Control
Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal, the how-to manual @ https://breggin.com/a-guide-for-prescribers-therapists-patients-and-their-families/
Get a copy of Dr. Breggin's latest book:
Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey
Get a copy: https://www.wearetheprey.com/
“No other book so comprehensively covers the details of COVID-19 criminal conduct as well as its origins in a network of global predators seeking wealth and power at the expense of human freedom and prosperity, under cover of false public health policies.”
~ Robert F Kennedy, Jr
Author of #1 bestseller The Real Anthony Fauci and Founder, Chairman and Chief Legal Counsel for Children’s Health Defense.
Thursday Apr 25, 2024
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour - 4.24.24
Thursday Apr 25, 2024
Thursday Apr 25, 2024
Image: “Roll call at Buchenwald concentration camp, ca.1938-1941. Two prisoners in the foreground are supporting a comrade, as fainting was frequently an excuse for the guards to ‘liquidate’ useless inmates.”
Editorial comment: At 16 million worldwide souls, the core population of Jews are not yet as populous as they were before the Nazi Holocaust. About 7 million Jews reside in Israel, and most others in the US. Jews make up just 0.2% of the world’s human population. There are ten cities in the world with 19 million or more people in residence. How could so much hatred be directed at so few people? Antisemitism — always the harbinger of mass murder.
– Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin
This is the first time Ginger and I have done our radio show without a guest — leaving the full hour to ourselves; we hope you enjoy it! It’s a bit choppy, there are awkward movements, and to add to that it surprised me (but not Ginger) when we focused entirely on antisemitism. That in itself added to our passionate engagement. We begin talking about two dismaying and disillusioning experiences we had with two different people whom we have respected and admired and one of whom we thought we were developing a real friendship.
We discuss the shocking details of their public comments about Israel and the current war with Hamas, why we fear these kinds of remarks could ultimately cause a Second Holocaust, this time involving not 6 million European Jews, but 7 million Israeli Jews — that is a little under half of all the core (avowed) Jews in the world.
Other points we explored: Why is antisemitism always a mortal threat to the Jews? Why do the globalist predators hope the Jews and the Muslims will destroy each other? People say that the Israeli leadership is corrupt and even too warlike, but even if true, it’s also true of nearly all the world’s leadership, including the U.S., Russia, Ukraine, North Korea, China, etc. — and would we murder their citizens as well?
Hardly anyone calls for the murder of a nation because of their leadership, except when it comes to the Jews. On a more positive note, we even venture some thoughts on how to talk to an antisemite who is not yet a Nazi. And end with some very positive principles to live by.
Learn more about Dr. Peter Breggin's work: https://breggin.com/
See more from Dr. Breggin's long history of being a reformer in psychiatry: https://breggin.com/Psychiatry-as-an-Instrument-of-Social-and-Political-Control
Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal, the how-to manual @ https://breggin.com/a-guide-for-prescribers-therapists-patients-and-their-families/
Get a copy of Dr. Breggin's latest book:
Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey
Get a copy: https://www.wearetheprey.com/
“No other book so comprehensively covers the details of COVID-19 criminal conduct as well as its origins in a network of global predators seeking wealth and power at the expense of human freedom and prosperity, under cover of false public health policies.”
~ Robert F Kennedy, Jr
Author of #1 bestseller The Real Anthony Fauci and Founder, Chairman and Chief Legal Counsel for Children’s Health Defense
Thursday Apr 18, 2024
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour - 4.17.24
Thursday Apr 18, 2024
Thursday Apr 18, 2024
In terms of the future or fate of humanity, this is one of the most important interviews we have done. James “Jim” Thorp is a dear friend of ours, and Jim is also one of the most heroic men in our lives and in the history of medicine.
He is an obstetrician/gynecologist and maternal-fetal medicine specialist who has served his patients for over 44 years. We discuss the total reported 20,000 acute deaths from mRNA jabs over the last three years, which in reality indicates more than two million unreported deaths.
Jim explains to us how the COVID jab deaths are the most obvious traumatic impact, but they have been associated with much larger record-breaking numbers of severe injuries to pregnant mothers, unborn babies, and nursing infants. Including children and adults, deaths and severe injuries worldwide go into the hundreds of millions.
Ginger eloquently reflects on the bizarre world in which everyone walks around, working, and playing as if nothing is going on while COVID vaccines are killing and harming hundreds of millions of us. We conclude by suggesting how we can go on without being overwhelmed while doing what we can to save humanity from the awful threat being imposed by the Global Predators.
We urge all those who can to bring their personal gifts and varied skills to the battle for humanity’s freedom and survival. This hour is among the most vivid ever on what is really going on in the world and how we can deal with it.
One of our most important interviews of all time…
Learn more about Dr. Peter Breggin's work: https://breggin.com/
See more from Dr. Breggin's long history of being a reformer in psychiatry: https://breggin.com/Psychiatry-as-an-Instrument-of-Social-and-Political-Control
Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal, the how-to manual @ https://breggin.com/a-guide-for-prescribers-therapists-patients-and-their-families/
Get a copy of Dr. Breggin's latest book:
Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey
Get a copy: https://www.wearetheprey.com/
“No other book so comprehensively covers the details of COVID-19 criminal conduct as well as its origins in a network of global predators seeking wealth and power at the expense of human freedom and prosperity, under cover of false public health policies.”
~ Robert F Kennedy, Jr
Author of #1 bestseller The Real Anthony Fauci and Founder, Chairman and Chief Legal Counsel for Children’s Health Defense.
Wednesday Apr 10, 2024
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour - 4.10.24
Wednesday Apr 10, 2024
Wednesday Apr 10, 2024
Peter and Ginger Breggin interview Frank Zelenko, who is well-known as the younger brother of Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko, MD. Frank has devoted himself to furthering the world’s knowledge of his brother’s lifesaving Zelenko Protocols. These protocols treat not only COVID-like viruses but also all single-strand or RNA viruses like COVID, the flu, some encephalomyelitis, German measles, hepatitis, yellow fever, and many others.
Frank discusses his experience on the phone as his brother’s assistant, talking day and night to thousands of patients about the protocols, putting the patients in touch with his brother, and following them up — all with no deaths. He tells us where his brother got his original information on making his protocols — and it comes shockingly from the heart of the virology research establishment.
Those in power within science knew from the beginning that the Zelenko Protocols worked and forcibly withheld them from healthcare providers and patients alike.
We go on to talk about Zev, the origins of his belief in God, how much we loved him and learned from him, and how near to him we continue to feel. We have had many discussions with Frank before and after the recording of the show, and for me, only many other shows, including my interview on Frank’s podcast, which I highly recommend, Truth Fanatics ep. 216 – Dr. Peter Breggin (clouthub.com)
We have developed enormous respect for Frank’s profound knowledge and thinking about Judaism, early human intellectual and spiritual history, including Plato, and the connections he makes to modern evil in the form of global predators. You will enjoy Frank and learn from him.
Learn more about Dr. Peter Breggin's work: https://breggin.com/
See more from Dr. Breggin's long history of being a reformer in psychiatry: https://breggin.com/Psychiatry-as-an-Instrument-of-Social-and-Political-Control
Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal, the how-to manual @ https://breggin.com/a-guide-for-prescribers-therapists-patients-and-their-families/
Get a copy of Dr. Breggin's latest book:
Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey
Get a copy: https://www.wearetheprey.com/
“No other book so comprehensively covers the details of COVID-19 criminal conduct as well as its origins in a network of global predators seeking wealth and power at the expense of human freedom and prosperity, under cover of false public health policies.”
~ Robert F Kennedy, Jr
Author of #1 bestseller The Real Anthony Fauci and Founder, Chairman and Chief Legal Counsel for Children’s Health Defense.
Thursday Apr 04, 2024
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour - 4.3.24
Thursday Apr 04, 2024
Thursday Apr 04, 2024
This is a show you must actually hear. It is information about Alfred Kinsey, often referred to as the Father of the Sexual Revolution. This show contains data largely unavailable and sometimes nearly unbearable to think about. The hour-long episode is about a so-called scientist (supported by the CIA) who was a pervert of the worst sort who inspired young Hugh Hefner to found Playboy.
Kinsey’s books and the growth of pornography that followed did much to destroy the sacred connection between love and sexuality and, with it, the moral basis of the family and hence America.
Alfred Kinsey got much of his supposedly “scientific’ information about supposed child sexuality from a small number of sadistic child abusers. A favorite of his was a Nazi who ended up being tried at Nuremberg. This show covers how Kinsey’s destruction of love and monogamy furthered the deterioration of American values that we are now so tragically witnessing.
Our guest is Rhonda Miller, a close colleague and mutual friend of Judith Reisman, who was a dear friend of ours, and who devoted her career to unmasking Alfred Kinsey. Rhonda is a true leader in the freedom movement. Listen to her now and help her to be heard everywhere possible.
Our Last Interview With Dr. Judith Reisman Feb. 20, 2020
Further information and inspiration can be found in the interview Dr. Breggin did with Judith Reisman Feb. 20, 2020. Click here to view video.
Dr. Breggin wrote at the time:
Judith A. Reisman PhD is my hero and my guest on this week’s radio/TV hour. Against enormous opposition, Dr. Reisman exposed the scientific fraud and outright child abuse perpetrated by Alfred Kinsey, a fake researcher and advocate for the destruction of sexual morality, who led the exploding sexual revolution that begin in 1948 and has never slowed down since then. His unethical, criminal activities–masquerading as science and published as bestsellers–helped to corrupt Western values, causing inestimable harm. We owe to him an escalation in broken families, the degradation of love and sexuality, and a rise in child abuse. Become one of the few to have heard this story. Without it, you will have no idea what drove the sexual revolution in America.
Peter R. Breggin MD and Dr. Judith Reisman, Feb. 20, 2020 (click image to watch)
Dr. Reisman is an American hero, who died suddenly in April 2021. She is deeply missed and we are determined that the vital information she unearthed not be forgotten about one of the more evil scientists, who’s devastating and destructive work changed the very fabric of Western Civilization and damaged the lives of millions.
Her work allows us all to understand what happened that caused such a deterioration in morals and the elimination of love and attachment from our world.
See Also Our Article on Alfred Kinsey Published March 10, 2024
This is an extensive column with 42 footnotes for a deeper dive into the twisted world of Alfred Kinsey and how he reshaped the American landscape.
Alfred Kinsey: Redefining agony as ecstasy--stealing childhood innocence
MAR 10
Learn more about Dr. Peter Breggin's work: https://breggin.com/
See more from Dr. Breggin's long history of being a reformer in psychiatry: https://breggin.com/Psychiatry-as-an-Instrument-of-Social-and-Political-Control
Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal, the how-to manual @ https://breggin.com/a-guide-for-prescribers-therapists-patients-and-their-families/
Get a copy of Dr. Breggin's latest book:
Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey
Get a copy: https://www.wearetheprey.com/
“No other book so comprehensively covers the details of COVID-19 criminal conduct as well as its origins in a network of global predators seeking wealth and power at the expense of human freedom and prosperity, under cover of false public health policies.”
~ Robert F Kennedy, Jr
Author of #1 bestseller The Real Anthony Fauci and Founder, Chairman and Chief Legal Counsel for Children’s Health Defense.
Thursday Mar 28, 2024
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour - 3.27.24
Thursday Mar 28, 2024
Thursday Mar 28, 2024
To most of the world, Dr. Henry Ealy is the Founder of the Energetic Health Institute. To me, he is the man who barely knew me and yet reached out to help me survive and now thrive after a near-lethal attack of COVID-like pneumonia. The pathogen that attacked me initially left me with the ground glass lungs typical of the original SARS-CoV-2 infections in older people like me. It was late March into April 2023.
[continue reading below]
At the start of this ordeal, Dr. Ealy joined a spontaneous team of COVID experts who supervised my treatment, and when they decided I must risk hospitalization in order to survive, he monitored my condition through my wife Ginger and through “nurse Carol” who planted herself in my hospital room to make sure that I was well taken care of.
Brain fog and a mild euphoria left me with very little memory of the time, and with a few additional months of guidance from him and the team, I fully recovered and am now as healthy and, in some ways, more able than before. We begin the show with my first in-depth discussion with him and Ginger together about what transpired during those frightening days.
After that moving introduction, our interview quickly moves into Dr. Ealy’s work, with a focus on quantum dots. These tiny nanoparticles invade our bodies and bloodstreams and swallow up our available electrons, causing imbalances in our bodies’ electrical fields. Quantum dots are the little blue nanoparticles that can be seen blinking like tiny lights in our blood during dark field microscopy.
Quantum dots are part of the global experiments being conducted against us, in large part from the Department of Defense and related sources seeking new ways to control humanity. If you think this is too “far out” to be real — then you should especially take the time to listen to this hour and to this man, Henry Ealy, who helped save my life and who, with other scientists and physicians, is working rationally and with a loving heart on what is being done to our environment and to us.
Many people in the health freedom movement are focused on selling stuff but it was gratifying to hear that, in Dr. Ealy’s opinion, “grounding” equipment is already available from a variety of suppliers that help relieve the quantum dot assault on the electrical balance of our bodies.
I’m no expert in this evolving field. In fact, my wife Ginger turned out to be way ahead of me on the subject and, to my dismay, announced on the air that she’s already bought the equipment and just hasn’t gotten around to unpacking it! Wow, and I never heard of it! And I’m sure I have not sufficiently summarized Dr. Ealy’s work on quantum dots — an even better reason for you to watch this show and to meet this remarkable doctor.
Primary author: Peter R. Breggin MD
Dr. Ealy’s website:
Holistic Nutrition You’ll Love | Energetic Health Institute
Dr. Ealy’s resource for “companies we trust”
Companies We Trust – Energetic Health Institute
BioInitiative Report: A Rationale for a Biologically-based Public Exposure Standard for Electromagnetic Fields (ELF and RF)
Healthy Buildings For Sustainable Living – Building Biology Institute
How to Stay in Touch With the Breggins:
Find us at Twitter: @GingerBreggin @AmericanMD
Find us at our website: www.Breggin.com
Find us at www.AmericaOutLoud.com
Find us on Substack at: Peter and Ginger Breggin Exposing the Global Predators
Learn more about Dr. Peter Breggin's work: https://breggin.com/
See more from Dr. Breggin's long history of being a reformer in psychiatry: https://breggin.com/Psychiatry-as-an-Instrument-of-Social-and-Political-Control
Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal, the how-to manual @ https://breggin.com/a-guide-for-prescribers-therapists-patients-and-their-families/
Get a copy of Dr. Breggin's latest book:
Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey
Get a copy: https://www.wearetheprey.com/
“No other book so comprehensively covers the details of COVID-19 criminal conduct as well as its origins in a network of global predators seeking wealth and power at the expense of human freedom and prosperity, under cover of false public health policies.”
~ Robert F Kennedy, Jr
Author of #1 bestseller The Real Anthony Fauci and Founder, Chairman and Chief Legal Counsel for Children’s Health Defense.
Friday Mar 15, 2024
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour - 3.13.24
Friday Mar 15, 2024
Friday Mar 15, 2024
Our wonderful, wonderful audience, we have an amazing, incredibly accomplished guest for you to meet. Reinette Senum, former mayor of a little town in California and candidate for governor, is doing what so many of us want to do — being honorable, pursuing the truth, and making sure the inevitable opposition does not compromise her love of life and people.
Ginger first invited Reinette to be our guest because of her recent work on Substack, which we link to below. She has been strongly focused on examining the complicated and important subject of weather manipulation and geoengineering.
Reinette Senum’s genuine, joyful engagement with life itself makes this a unique and inspiring hour. Combined with her analytic abilities about the dark side which we all are experiencing, she has an extraordinary gift for sharing the bright side. Join us for this memorable time together.
Home | InPower (inpowermovement.org) This site offers tools that every citizen can use to “reclaim your authority with the use of their commercial, administrative process. The focus is on vaccinations, smart meters, and 5G technology.
Save our Skies ⏤ founded by Reinette Senum, offers education, training, tools and action recommendations on how individuals can understand what we are seeing in our skies, how to observe our skies and weather patterns and what individuals and groups can do to restore our natural weather.
Reinette Senum’s Foghorn Express | Substack Connect with Reinette Senum via her substack column.
Learn more about Dr. Peter Breggin's work: https://breggin.com/
See more from Dr. Breggin's long history of being a reformer in psychiatry: https://breggin.com/Psychiatry-as-an-Instrument-of-Social-and-Political-Control
Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal, the how-to manual @ https://breggin.com/a-guide-for-prescribers-therapists-patients-and-their-families/
Get a copy of Dr. Breggin's latest book:
Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey
Get a copy: https://www.wearetheprey.com/
“No other book so comprehensively covers the details of COVID-19 criminal conduct as well as its origins in a network of global predators seeking wealth and power at the expense of human freedom and prosperity, under cover of false public health policies.”
~ Robert F Kennedy, Jr
Author of #1 bestseller The Real Anthony Fauci and Founder, Chairman and Chief Legal Counsel for Children’s Health Defense.
Thursday Mar 07, 2024
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour - 3.6.24
Thursday Mar 07, 2024
Thursday Mar 07, 2024
This is a show you must actually hear. It is information about Alfred Kinsey, often referred to as the Father of the Sexual Revolution, and contains data largely unavailable and sometimes nearly unbearable to think about. The hour-long episode is about a so-called scientist (supported by the CIA) who was a pervert of the worst sort who inspired young Hugh Hefner to found Playboy.
Kinsey’s books and the growth of pornography that followed did much to destroy the sacred connection between love and sexuality and, with it, the moral basis of the family and hence America.
Alfred Kinsey got much of his supposedly “scientific’ information about supposed child sexuality from a small number of sadistic child abusers. A favorite of his was a Nazi who ended up being tried at Nuremberg. This show covers how Kinsey’s destruction of love and monogamy furthered the deterioration of American values that we are now so tragically witnessing.
Our guest is Rhonda Miller, a close colleague and mutual friend of Judith Reisman, who was a dear friend of ours, and who devoted her career to unmasking Alfred Kinsey. Rhonda is a true leader in the freedom movement. Listen to her now and help her to be heard everywhere possible.
Learn more about Dr. Peter Breggin's work: https://breggin.com/
See more from Dr. Breggin's long history of being a reformer in psychiatry: https://breggin.com/Psychiatry-as-an-Instrument-of-Social-and-Political-Control
Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal, the how-to manual @ https://breggin.com/a-guide-for-prescribers-therapists-patients-and-their-families/
Get a copy of Dr. Breggin's latest book:
Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey
Get a copy: https://www.wearetheprey.com/
“No other book so comprehensively covers the details of COVID-19 criminal conduct as well as its origins in a network of global predators seeking wealth and power at the expense of human freedom and prosperity, under cover of false public health policies.”
~ Robert F Kennedy, Jr
Author of #1 bestseller The Real Anthony Fauci and Founder, Chairman and Chief Legal Counsel for Children’s Health Defense.