Thursday Feb 29, 2024
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour - 2.28.24
Thursday Feb 29, 2024
Thursday Feb 29, 2024
The World Health Organization (WHO) is conspiring with predatory capitalists, predatory progressives, and communists to dominate the world. This theme gets robustly hammered home by Dr. Peter Breggin on the Peter and Ginger Breggin episode of America Out Loud PULSE.
Tedros, the Director-General of the WHO, is beholden to two camps–what we call the Western and the Eastern Global Empires. The Western globalists include nearly all the presidents, premiers, and assorted rulers of the Western nations as well as the European Union (EU); billionaires like Bill Gates and organizers of the wealthy like Klaus Schwab; the global bankers and the CEOs of the global industries, including big tech companies; our Department of Defense and the Deep State; and nearly all the influencers and leaders of our Western institutions from education to the media.
The Eastern Global Empire is easier to describe. The Eastern globalists are dominated by the Chinese Communist Party, which is building deep political and economic ties with other nations, not only in their region but even inside the West and the United States. The Communists are closely involved with and dominate the United Nations and the WHO. At the same time, Bill Gates and other Western predators try to get a stronger foothold into these socialist/communist organizations.
The above is my background briefing for an hour-long interview with James Roguski, which becomes more robust as it proceeds. It takes place on our radio show on America Out Loud-Pulse, and it is also heard on our Substack and many other platforms.
James Roguski has been studying the WHO’s attempts to use treaty-like agreements and amendments to its International Health Regulations (IHR) to exploit and impose control over the nations of the world. His website is a tremendous source of information.
Today, he and I have a major but invigorating disagreement about what to emphasize or focus on regarding the WHO’s attempt to rule the world. Roguski’s emphasis is on the “capitalist predators,” and he provides important information on how the new WHO scam aims to work with the global banks and our Department of Defense to organize the world markets around the next “pandemic” or other worldwide threat. The scam will drain money from the people of the West into the global military-industrial and pharmaceutical complex under the guise of getting more vaccines to the poor around the world.
This is globalism at its most ferocious, and the global banks were actually organized from the start to act on these vile, self-serving principles. The international banks believe they are taking from the rich to give to the people of poor nations. In reality, they are draining money from the taxpayers of the West and laundering it so that it goes to the global predators. In this manner, the global predators continue their ongoing rape of 99.99% of America’s citizens through higher taxes and inflation while enslaving the poor nations with bank loans they cannot pay off, turning them into perpetual debtors. Along the way, the criminal leaders of many of these countries also grow wealthier and more powerful.
Roguski focuses on the machinations of the “predator capitalists,” while I view it as neither capitalist nor communist, neither for the individual nor for the collective—but for global predators. Some masquerade as “good” Communists and some as “good” Capitalists, but in reality, they have no allegiance to anything other than their own ambitions to grow wealthier and more powerful, with the ultimate glory of dominating humanity with their often-mentioned new world governance.
For example, in contrast to Western pseudo-capitalist predators like Bill Gates, the head of WHO, Tedros, is not a “capitalist predator.” He is a thoroughgoing lifetime Communist thug put into power by Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping, in turn, is the leader of the world’s largest organization of thugs, called the Chinese Communist Party. Tedros does nothing without Xi Jinping’s approval. As an aside, the other largest organization of global thugs is probably the global banking system.
The current assault on humanity requires that the globalists, on their way to world domination, destroy the constitutional democracies, especially America, as the most powerful. The America First anti-globalist movement is the biggest threat to their power.
The global predators are using the WHO to weaken the people of the West while draining their wealth even more into the coffers of the ongoing global empire and will use it to further enslave the poor nations. This is neither a Communist nor a Capitalist strategy—it is the shared strategy of all tyrants and global predators—take as much as possible for yourself while dominating everyone else.
James Roguski’s website is StoptheTreaty.org.
Learn more about Dr. Peter Breggin's work: https://breggin.com/
See more from Dr. Breggin's long history of being a reformer in psychiatry: https://breggin.com/Psychiatry-as-an-Instrument-of-Social-and-Political-Control
Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal, the how-to manual @ https://breggin.com/a-guide-for-prescribers-therapists-patients-and-their-families/
Get a copy of Dr. Breggin's latest book:
Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey
Get a copy: https://www.wearetheprey.com/
“No other book so comprehensively covers the details of COVID-19 criminal conduct as well as its origins in a network of global predators seeking wealth and power at the expense of human freedom and prosperity, under cover of false public health policies.”
~ Robert F Kennedy, Jr
Author of #1 bestseller The Real Anthony Fauci and Founder, Chairman and Chief Legal Counsel for Children’s Health Defense.
Thursday Feb 22, 2024
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour - 2.21.24
Thursday Feb 22, 2024
Thursday Feb 22, 2024
Nearly all human transactions, from making a phone call to buying food or a car to putting money in a bank, are now digitalized, under potential government surveillance and potential autocratic and even totalitarian control. If the big banks succeed in enforcing us to use digital currency, then it will all be over for humanity. We will become processed food for the voracious global predators.
This wonderful hour with Catherine Austin Fitts will help you to better grasp globalism, especially in regard to our disappearing rights to conduct any kind of transaction free from disruption by the globalists. Had she not materialized in our lives as if by magic or God’s hand early in our confrontation with COVID-19, I’m not sure if Ginger or I would have fully grasped the threats that the big banks pose to human freedom as quickly.
But this hour with Catherine is not as much about Dooms Day as about what we can do to resist the horrific scenario the global predators wish to impose on us. In America, more than in other countries, there is much that can be done on a state and local level to take care of ourselves and our community and, at the same time, to bring our talents and gifts to the fight for human freedom.
For more information, see Catherine’s Solari Report “The Threat of Financial Transaction Control.”
For Financial Transaction Freedom resources, see The Solari Report. The page contains a brief introduction, email signup to receive updates, introductions to the Solari Freedom team, and, Ginger’s favorite, a collection of “the best short videos about CBDCs and threats to Financial Transaction Freedom available. Over 90 amazing shorts, interview excerpts, and a few of our favorite long videos.”Find this resource page here.
Learn more about Dr. Peter Breggin's work: https://breggin.com/
See more from Dr. Breggin's long history of being a reformer in psychiatry: https://breggin.com/Psychiatry-as-an-Instrument-of-Social-and-Political-Control
Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal, the how-to manual @ https://breggin.com/a-guide-for-prescribers-therapists-patients-and-their-families/
Get a copy of Dr. Breggin's latest book:
Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey
Get a copy: https://www.wearetheprey.com/
“No other book so comprehensively covers the details of COVID-19 criminal conduct as well as its origins in a network of global predators seeking wealth and power at the expense of human freedom and prosperity, under cover of false public health policies.”
~ Robert F Kennedy, Jr
Author of #1 bestseller The Real Anthony Fauci and Founder, Chairman and Chief Legal Counsel for Children’s Health Defense.
Thursday Feb 15, 2024
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour - 2.14.24
Thursday Feb 15, 2024
Thursday Feb 15, 2024
The North District Court of Texas has denied Pfizer’s motion to move the case to federal court against Pfizer for deceptive promotion and marketing. Texas petitioners can join the case until May 15, 2024, according to Karen Kingston, an independent medical-legal advisor and biotech analyst. The trial is scheduled for July 2025.
After the court decision, large losses in the value of their stocks befell Pfizer and their Chinese mRNA manufacturing partner (WuXi Biologics) and other Chinese biotech stocks. Pfizer has worked with these companies despite the well-known fact that they share data and intellectual property with the Chinese Community Party (CCP) and the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) in what the Chinese call the military-civil fusion.
Because vaccine research always has vast implications for biological warfare, vaccine research contributes to a nation’s capacity to initiate this kind of attack. Anthony Fauci’s former institute, NIAID, has also funded treasonous bioweapons research collaborations between U.S. and CCP-dominated universities and bio labs and has directly supported the Wuhan Institute, which is also controlled by the CCP.
One of many revelations: Did you know that the worthless PCR tests they stick up your nose have a much greater purpose? Often, the test swabs are sent back to their Chinese manufacturers, giving the Chinese Communist military an opportunity to study the DNA of Americans to tailor future biological weapons to our genetic makeup.
Kingston’s interview with Peter and Ginger Breggin is a brilliant display of insight into the global takeover of America as, one after another, American institutions betray our country in the interest of international business and, with it, growing international governance.
A remarkable interview with a stunning sweep from the nuts and bolts of the attack on our nation’s well-being and spirit of freedom to the soaring issue of the place of God in our lives in this time of crisis. Karen Kingston deserves hero status, from which we all are the beneficiaries.
Learn more about Dr. Peter Breggin's work: https://breggin.com/
See more from Dr. Breggin's long history of being a reformer in psychiatry: https://breggin.com/Psychiatry-as-an-Instrument-of-Social-and-Political-Control
Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal, the how-to manual @ https://breggin.com/a-guide-for-prescribers-therapists-patients-and-their-families/
Get a copy of Dr. Breggin's latest book:
Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey
Get a copy: https://www.wearetheprey.com/
“No other book so comprehensively covers the details of COVID-19 criminal conduct as well as its origins in a network of global predators seeking wealth and power at the expense of human freedom and prosperity, under cover of false public health policies.”
~ Robert F Kennedy, Jr
Author of #1 bestseller The Real Anthony Fauci and Founder, Chairman and Chief Legal Counsel for Children’s Health Defense.
Friday Feb 09, 2024
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour - 2.7.24
Friday Feb 09, 2024
Friday Feb 09, 2024
nvestigative journalist and historian Uwe Alschner is a man with intimate knowledge and actual participation in German politics. He is also a brilliant analyst of globalism and its relationship to the spirit of freedom embodied in America and its founders.
Listen to this interview to understand globalism as essentially a predatory oligarchy that tries to spin the world to its own advantage. Learn how that oligarchy uses the international banking system to move the world further toward authoritarianism and totalitarianism because it’s easier for the oligarchy to run humanity by working with dictatorships of any kind, including Communist China.
Don’t turn away from this show because it talks about “conspiracies” and “banking,” As individuals, we have been taught that “conspiracies” don’t exist and that “banking” is too complicated to understand.
Neither is true. Banking can be easily understood as a conspiracy, the banking conspiracy, that oligarchs use to keep turning the screws of power on humanity.
Who is Uwe Alschner?
Uwe Alschner, Dr. Phil., M.A., born in 1965, is a management consultant, certified “Big Five for Life” coach, and trainer. He has more than twenty years of experience in advising and supporting executives and decision-makers in politics and business.
Today, Uwe works as a freelance leadership and leadership coach and, in addition to the Big Five for Life concept, also works with other approaches to leadership, including »Start with Why« by Simon Sinek and the Upstalsboom Path by Bodo Janssen.
Uwe Alslchner’s contacts: https://neveragainisnowglobal.substack.com/
Website: Alschner.Klartext (alschner-klartext.de)
Learn more about Dr. Peter Breggin's work: https://breggin.com/
See more from Dr. Breggin's long history of being a reformer in psychiatry: https://breggin.com/Psychiatry-as-an-Instrument-of-Social-and-Political-Control
Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal, the how-to manual @ https://breggin.com/a-guide-for-prescribers-therapists-patients-and-their-families/
Get a copy of Dr. Breggin's latest book:
Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey
Get a copy: https://www.wearetheprey.com/
“No other book so comprehensively covers the details of COVID-19 criminal conduct as well as its origins in a network of global predators seeking wealth and power at the expense of human freedom and prosperity, under cover of false public health policies.”
~ Robert F Kennedy, Jr
Author of #1 bestseller The Real Anthony Fauci and Founder, Chairman and Chief Legal Counsel for Children’s Health Defense.
Thursday Feb 01, 2024
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour - 1.31.24
Thursday Feb 01, 2024
Thursday Feb 01, 2024
This interview must be seen by as many people worldwide as possible as a step toward fighting back against the global assault on humanity, its well-being, and its freedom. Global forces are making war against the United States of America in order to destroy the last obstacle to their taking over the world politically and economically.
This is the message from our outstanding guest, Major General Paul Vallely. General Vallely is a graduate of West Point who, at the time of his retirement, was the U.S. Army Deputy Commanding General in the Pacific. He is writing a series of books on the betrayal of America, with coauthors General Thomas McInerney and journalist Mary Fanning, the most recently titled Invisible Treason in America. Their work dovetails seamlessly with ours in our book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey.
This interview begins what the general calls the war at our border conducted against us by a heavily armed opponent called the cartels, who have already invaded and infiltrated our cities. He summarizes how a full-scale scale war against this enemy would, in fact, liberate the Mexican government from their clutches.
We then span across events throughout the world, from the upcoming Davos in Switzerland to the Ukraine and Russia, China, Islam, Africa, and Israel. We tie together the collaborative efforts of the global predators to tighten the noose that is strangling America.
We also examine how to correct former President Trump’s tragic support of Operation WARP Speed and his failure to make good use of the generals and health freedom leaders who would have supported him in 2020.
This information-packed interview concludes with a stirring appeal from General Vallely to see the world through the prism of reality, not the prism of politics, and for us to unite in defense of our nation as the last remaining bastion of freedom.
Learn more about Dr. Peter Breggin's work: https://breggin.com/
See more from Dr. Breggin's long history of being a reformer in psychiatry: https://breggin.com/Psychiatry-as-an-Instrument-of-Social-and-Political-Control
Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal, the how-to manual @ https://breggin.com/a-guide-for-prescribers-therapists-patients-and-their-families/
Get a copy of Dr. Breggin's latest book:
Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey
Get a copy: https://www.wearetheprey.com/
“No other book so comprehensively covers the details of COVID-19 criminal conduct as well as its origins in a network of global predators seeking wealth and power at the expense of human freedom and prosperity, under cover of false public health policies.”
~ Robert F Kennedy, Jr
Author of #1 bestseller The Real Anthony Fauci and Founder, Chairman and Chief Legal Counsel for Children’s Health Defense
Thursday Jan 25, 2024
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour - 1.24.24
Thursday Jan 25, 2024
Thursday Jan 25, 2024
Our guest on America Out Loud PULSE is Emanuel Garcia, MD, a retired psychiatrist with a keen sense of the looming threat of globalism and a great appreciation for the individualism and freedom which it threatens.
Born and raised in Philadelphia, he moved to New Zealand in 2006, in part out of frustration and disappointment over America’s attacks against helpless soldiers in retreat in Iraq, something that deeply outraged and disappointed us as well.
We agreed our fight against the global predators does not aim at restoring an American empire. Instead, we want to re-establish our constitutional government built by our Founders, who fought an empire and wanted to protect and inspire individual freedom through a solid Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Dr. Emanuel Garcia is the kind of man who brings out the best in other people, and his interview with us became three like-minded people getting to know each other, sharing feelings, ideals, and disappointments. Our talk ranges from the destructive and highly organized nature of the global attack on humanity and what the globalists must be like inside themselves to how do we go on living and loving despite the grim future that we fear is coming. Dr, Garcia has already had a personal taste of our future, when the New Zealand medical board tried to make an example of him for standing up for informed consent and other individual rights.
We deeply appreciated and enjoyed our conversation, and you, too, will enjoy meeting Dr. “Manny” Garcia.
Dr. Garcia is one of the founding members of New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (http://www.nzdsos.com). You can read his work at his Substack, New Zealand Doc at https://newzealanddoc.substack.com/.
Learn more about Dr. Peter Breggin's work: https://breggin.com/
See more from Dr. Breggin's long history of being a reformer in psychiatry: https://breggin.com/Psychiatry-as-an-Instrument-of-Social-and-Political-Control
Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal, the how-to manual @ https://breggin.com/a-guide-for-prescribers-therapists-patients-and-their-families/
Get a copy of Dr. Breggin's latest book:
Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey
Get a copy: https://www.wearetheprey.com/
“No other book so comprehensively covers the details of COVID-19 criminal conduct as well as its origins in a network of global predators seeking wealth and power at the expense of human freedom and prosperity, under cover of false public health policies.”
~ Robert F Kennedy, Jr
Author of #1 bestseller The Real Anthony Fauci and Founder, Chairman and Chief Legal Counsel for Children’s Health Defense
Thursday Jan 18, 2024
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour - 1.17.24
Thursday Jan 18, 2024
Thursday Jan 18, 2024
Legal researcher Katherine Watt has completely unmasked the FDA as a tool of global aggression against the people of the United States. Yes, the emperor has no clothes on — but it’s much worse than that.
The FDA is not just a naked man — it is a shameless, loathsome evil miscreant (our words) that is collaborating with the Department of Defense (DoD), The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and other federal agencies in the global attack on American citizens and upon the Constitution that protects our rights and gives us strength and motivation to resist.
Katherine’s view soars from way above the fray to look at the global evil we are fighting and then gets practical as she focuses down on the nuts and bolts of the laws that have been passed, allowing the global minions to run amok within our government and among our unwitting citizens.
For those of you who understandably find it hard to believe that there is a global governance trying to force itself fully upon the world by weakening all resistance from the least threat to them, which is us — we lace into Katherine Watt’s presentation a brief history of world empires since the dawn of civilization.1
Under the guise of public health, they unleashed upon us a supposed mRNA “vaccine,” but in reality, we are not even allowed to know what is really in it, and federal laws have now removed all oversight of its manufacture and distribution, putting us at the mercy of people who have ill-intent toward us.2
The clearest marker or signal we have of the destructiveness of this biological weapon is the number of reports of death from the injections reported by the CDC and FDA (the VAERS system), which now surpasses 20,000. Every one of these reports almost certainly represents one hundred or more unreported deaths, so that 20,000 reports reflect at least 2,000,000 deaths of Americans,3 with the largest number occurring on the day of the shot and most of them within 2-3 days.
Katherine Watt also cites the laws that have been passed declaring that FDA participation in developing vaccines under the Emergency Authorization (EUA) can not lead to official approval of the so-called vaccines. None of the COVID “vaccines” has received official FDA approval, and any such approval is prohibited by the law.
Here is Katherine Watt’s own summary indictment of what is going on in the FDA’s sham support of poisoning the American public:
All FDA activity that appeared to be license-related, pertaining to all biological products manufactured since May 2019, has been fraudulent, performative, charade, pretextual, and any other word or phrase that means not real, not substantive, not legally relevant.4
She describes the legal processes that may enable us to take back our government and our freedom. She confirms the grassroots organizations and actions that should be supported in overturning the globalist intentions of destroying our constitutional democracy.
1 Peter and Ginger Breggin. (2021 November). COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey. Obtainable at all bookstores, including Amazon, and directly from us at WeAreThePrey.com.
2 A British medical journal report confirms the mess and chaos surrounding the unsupervised manufacturing process. https://www.bmj.com/content/375/bmj.n2635
3 Also see our recent report, Jab-Induced Immune Fatigue (ADEx): An Insidious Gateway to Transhumanism and Human Control (substack.com)
4 https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/on-the-continuing-effort-to-fit-a
Learn more about Dr. Peter Breggin's work: https://breggin.com/
See more from Dr. Breggin's long history of being a reformer in psychiatry: https://breggin.com/Psychiatry-as-an-Instrument-of-Social-and-Political-Control
Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal, the how-to manual @ https://breggin.com/a-guide-for-prescribers-therapists-patients-and-their-families/
Get a copy of Dr. Breggin's latest book:
Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey
Get a copy: https://www.wearetheprey.com/
“No other book so comprehensively covers the details of COVID-19 criminal conduct as well as its origins in a network of global predators seeking wealth and power at the expense of human freedom and prosperity, under cover of false public health policies.”
~ Robert F Kennedy, Jr
Author of #1 bestseller The Real Anthony Fauci and Founder, Chairman and Chief Legal Counsel for Children’s Health Defense.
Thursday Jan 11, 2024
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour - 1.10.24
Thursday Jan 11, 2024
Thursday Jan 11, 2024
ears ago, I decided that there was only one-way psychiatrists could thrive as ethical, genuinely helpful professionals. Indeed, it was the only way the profession could begin to redeem itself from its crimes against humanity. An honest psychiatrist would entirely reject giving drugs and instead be devoted to helping people come off psychiatric drugs with as little suffering and disability as possible while providing psychotherapy aimed at empowering people to build better, more independent lives for themselves.
I chose this professional direction for myself, and I had a few colleagues who shared this path with me; but they were older men and women, even older than I am. No one younger ever came up through the modern psychiatric system with his or her ethics intact. Psychiatry winnows out or crushes every potentially caring, truth-seeking new professional.
That has now changed! Somehow a young psychiatrist has made it through not only his training but also brief stints at the FDA and the pharmaceutical industry, and now he is building his practice around helping people come off psychiatric drugs while benefitting from therapy. His name is Josef Witt-Doerring, MD. He is a treasure!
In the interview with me and my wife Ginger, we help to introduce Josef to the world, although he already has a strong social media presence and has interviewed me. He works with his wife, who is also a psychiatrist, and with other professionals, providing individual and group services for coming off medication and receiving psychotherapy therapy. You can find him at Josef Witt-Doerring (@taperclinic) / X (twitter.com).
Josef is not quite the purist that I have been since I first went into private practice in 1968 and vowed to myself I would not prescribe drugs except, in the process withdrawing people from them. On his website, he mentions that a very small percentage of people might need antidepressants, but in his interview with us, that did not come through as an important aspect of his thinking. It’s very clear that Josef’s goal is to help people come off drugs and that he would never push them on anyone — and I am happy to endorse his work.
Our interview also looks at the importance of truth in our lives and how the dominant systems around us all seem bent on suppressing the truth. We talk about how and why so many people seem so willing to sacrifice truth to having a job and getting along. We share how wonderful it is to seek and create a way of life in which we can be our genuine selves by finding the courage to live life without compromising our most cherished values.
Learn more about Dr. Peter Breggin's work: https://breggin.com/
See more from Dr. Breggin's long history of being a reformer in psychiatry: https://breggin.com/Psychiatry-as-an-Instrument-of-Social-and-Political-Control
Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal, the how-to manual @ https://breggin.com/a-guide-for-prescribers-therapists-patients-and-their-families/
Get a copy of Dr. Breggin's latest book:
Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey
Get a copy: https://www.wearetheprey.com/
“No other book so comprehensively covers the details of COVID-19 criminal conduct as well as its origins in a network of global predators seeking wealth and power at the expense of human freedom and prosperity, under cover of false public health policies.”
~ Robert F Kennedy, Jr
Author of #1 bestseller The Real Anthony Fauci and Founder, Chairman and Chief Legal Counsel for Children’s Health Defense.
Thursday Jan 04, 2024
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour - 1.3.24
Thursday Jan 04, 2024
Thursday Jan 04, 2024
William Makis, MD, is a brave Canadian physician, an expert in oncology and radiology, and an amazing communicator. Our interview with him is among the most important and gripping we have done.
As a cancer specialist, when they announced the mRNA vaccine, Dr. Makis already knew it was a dangerous, failed cancer treatment. He hoped they had miraculously conquered its drawbacks but was quickly disillusioned. At the “risk of losing everything”—a risk that quickly materialized—he decided he must tell the truth.
And the truth is heartbreaking. During the interview, Ginger Breggin commented that the entire technology of mRNA/DNA platforms and technologies must be suspended and banned. We called for a total ban in October 2022 as this entire technology is just out of control.
Dr. Makis responded:
“I’m obviously of the same opinion. I naively believed, at least when I first encountered this idea, that they were going to roll out, you know, the lipid nanoparticles and the mRNA…. I naively believed that they had somehow figured out all the problems with these platforms and that I was simply not aware of the latest developments…
“To my horror,” he continued, “I’ve come to realize over time that they had not figured out any of the problems with these platforms. The problems are still there. The simple fact is that the lipid nanoparticles….end up delivering their payload to the bone marrow, to the liver, the kidneys, to the heart, to the brain, to the ovaries, to the testes, so that really this ends up systemically…. It’s delivering a sequence that codes for a foreign protein that should not be delivered to healthy tissues. It should not end up systemically because you’re going to have the same problems, whether it’s the spike protein, or whether it’s an influenza protein, whether it’s an RSV protein, whether it’s an HIV protein, whatever the protein is that that will be coded. I believe the problems will be similar in terms of the injuries and deaths that we’ve seen with the COVID-19 vaccines.”
Dr. Makis also addresses the turbo cancer epidemic that is now ramping up as people continue to receive COVID vaccines and boosters. Turbo cancers are showing up, he says:
“almost always at stage four…. they’re showing up in young people and age groups where you wouldn’t expect certain types of cancers to show up. Colon cancers and breast cancers are showing up in very young people in their 20s and 30s. And they’re presenting at stage four. That is where they’re being picked up initially. The tumors seem to grow very rapidly; they grow to large sizes, and then they spread very rapidly as well….Another feature of these cancers is that they seem very resistant to chemotherapy and radiation therapy….They deploy a standard chemotherapy regimen, and it doesn’t respond to treatment.”
We were almost overwhelmed by the dreadful effects of the so-called COVID vaccines described by Dr. Makis—from the sudden deaths, including the deaths of over 70 Canadian physicians, as well as the discussion of the increasing numbers and types of cancer and resulting deaths occurring after the vaccine.
Dr. William Makis is a hero and one of the clearest clarion voices in the health freedom movement. He gave us one of our most informative, heartfelt, and inspiring shows. The interview is transforming! Listen and share it for the sake of your friends and humanity.
Follow Dr. William Makis, MD, on Twitter/X at @MakisMD
Subscribe to Dr. Makis’ substack at: https://makismd.substack.com/
Learn more about Dr. Peter Breggin's work: https://breggin.com/
See more from Dr. Breggin's long history of being a reformer in psychiatry: https://breggin.com/Psychiatry-as-an-Instrument-of-Social-and-Political-Control
Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal, the how-to manual @ https://breggin.com/a-guide-for-prescribers-therapists-patients-and-their-families/
Get a copy of Dr. Breggin's latest book:
Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey
Get a copy: https://www.wearetheprey.com/
“No other book so comprehensively covers the details of COVID-19 criminal conduct as well as its origins in a network of global predators seeking wealth and power at the expense of human freedom and prosperity, under cover of false public health policies.”
~ Robert F Kennedy, Jr
Author of #1 bestseller The Real Anthony Fauci and Founder, Chairman and Chief Legal Counsel for Children’s Health Defense.
Thank you,
Wednesday Nov 08, 2023
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour - 11.7.23
Wednesday Nov 08, 2023
Wednesday Nov 08, 2023
Biotech analyst and med-legal advisor Karen Kingston reveals in her interview with us that mRNA technology is the gateway into using nanotechnology in human beings in nefarious ways. She explains that nanotechnology particularly causes damage to the neurological system and, hence, to the brain, mind, and spirit. The industry has always known this, Karen explains, remarking that even gold nanoparticles without biomarkers on them just love going to the brain.
Karen says, “It is a very high risk to have these new biotechnology products that really enjoy going to the central nervous system,” breaking through the blood-brain barrier that protects our neurons and their incredibly complex and vulnerable signaling system.
Pfizer’s own internal report surveyed more than 1.5 million people injected with their genetic “vaccines” with an average of at least three adverse events. Their data showed that 700,000 patients—almost half of those injected—suffered related nervous system disorders and that this was the largest category of adverse events reported.
Nanotechnology being ushered into human beings via the COVID injections has many objectives, and one of them is advancement in official attempts to control human beings. Authorities have long attempted to gain control of human behavior, and the latest attempts are tied to developing nanotechnology in humans.
Dr. Peter Breggin recently examined these attempts in detail in his column “The Elite Strategy to Physically Ruin Our Brains, Minds, and Willpower.” Dr. Breggin believes that the elite want to terrorize us with the possibility that they have it within their grasp to control our minds and even our specific feelings and thoughts, but he suggests that their real accomplishment is to cause enough brain damage and dysfunction to make us less spontaneous and more docile, suitably diminished to submit to their control over us in the New World Order.
Karen Kingston has over 25 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry as a biotech analyst and medical-legal advisor. She was moved to the marketing side soon after starting to work at Pfizer early in her career. “We take complex information and translate it into charts and descriptions that are easy for physicians and healthcare advisors to understand,” she explained. She ultimately made a name for herself as “the Fixer” because she developed expertise in the medical-legal arena of Big Pharma. She would be called in to consult when issues or problems developed with a product, often as a result of defying FDA regulations.
Discussion of nanoparticles and other mechanisms by which genetic “vaccines” harm us have been suppressed by outsiders pretending to belong to the health freedom movement. We discussed the vital importance of freedom of speech as a bedrock principle to be protected in the freedom movement and drew our listeners’ attention to our recent column, “It is Time for Freedom of Speech in the Freedom Movement.”
We also share our views with Karen on who should be held responsible, Pfizer or the Department of Defense (DoD), for actually developing and pushing these genetic bioweapons on the American people.
A shining light in the lives of many of us in the health freedom movement, Karen Kingston returned after a recent convalescence, ready to take on the world again. We also talked about what she’s been through and dealing with adversity, her life in the pharmaceutical industry, and her call to the health freedom movement.
Learn more about Dr. Peter Breggin's work: https://breggin.com/
See more from Dr. Breggin's long history of being a reformer in psychiatry: https://breggin.com/Psychiatry-as-an-Instrument-of-Social-and-Political-Control
Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal, the how-to manual @ https://breggin.com/a-guide-for-prescribers-therapists-patients-and-their-families/
Get a copy of Dr. Breggin's latest book:
Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey
Get a copy: https://www.wearetheprey.com/
“No other book so comprehensively covers the details of COVID-19 criminal conduct as well as its origins in a network of global predators seeking wealth and power at the expense of human freedom and prosperity, under cover of false public health policies.”
~ Robert F Kennedy, Jr
Author of #1 bestseller The Real Anthony Fauci and Founder, Chairman and Chief Legal Counsel for Children’s Health Defense.