
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour - 9.13.23
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
What kinds of grassroots attempts are being made to rescue America?
I recently learned about an organization that specializes in working with states and counties, and to my delight, it turned out that their major project was relying on and citing our book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey, as a major source scientific backup.
They invited me to one of their Zoom meetings, where I did a presentation and met the whole team of National ARM—the National American Renaissance Movement. The title resonated with my own theme of ReFounding America, and thanks to its president, attorney David R. Meiswinkle, I’m now an official advisor to the group.
Attorney Meiswinkle has written a grand jury petition to indict various actors in the current COVID global predatory movement and has sent it to governors, state attorneys general, and county prosecutors. It’s an amazing document that acts not only as a potential grand jury indictment but also as an introduction to the crimes being committed under the guise of the pandemic.
The Zoom meeting introduced me to board member Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD, the spectacular physician and pathologist who has been using dark microscopy to study the self-assembling alien objects in the blood of people exposed to the mRNA Covid Jabs. We invited her onto our America Out Loud Pulse radio show on August 31, 2023. I also met one of the Board Members, psychologist and therapist Joe Sansone, MS, PhD, and we invited him on to today’s show, airing on September 7, 2023.
A goal of NationalARM.org is to bring reform at the level of states and counties or the people. The U.S. Constitution reserves for the states and the people all governing functions not specifically assigned by the Constitution to the federal government.
Joseph Sansone is also a board member of NationalARM.org, but his work with his “Ban the Jab Resolution” is political within the Republican Party and entirely separate from NationalARM.org. Joe has a great combination of knowledge about the swelling of globalist totalitarianism and the need to save America on a local level. He is working to have Republican committees approve the ban with important initial successes. It’s very strong. Here’s the opening of the document, “Ban the Jab Resolution,” the beginning of many assertions backed with citations you can find on his substack: [1]
Whereas strong and credible evidence exists that COVID-19 and COVID-19 injections are biological and technological weapons,
Whereas Pfizer’s clinical data revealed 1223 deaths, 42,000 adverse cases, 158,000 adverse incidents, and approximately 1,000 side effects,
Whereas an enormous number of humans have died and or have been permanently disabled,
Whereas strong and credible evidence exists that Covid mRNA shots alter human DNA,
Whereas government agencies, media, tech companies, and other corporations have committed enormous fraud by claiming Covid injections are safe and effective.
Joe has had surprising early successes, already causing the media to start assaulting him.[2]
Our radio hour with the Breggins and with Joe Sansone may inspire you to create your approaches on the state and local level to regain our Constitutional freedoms before it’s too late.
[1] https://josephsansone.substack.com/p/ban-the-jab-resolution-f6f, and Lee GOP Ban the Jab Resolution (substack.com) and https://www.globalresearch.ca/did-we-just-start-revolution-ban-jab-resolution/5810638
[2] https://news.yahoohttps://www.globalresearch.ca/did-we-just-start-revolution-ban-jab-resolution/5810638.com/outbreak-stupidity-florida-ban-jab-090646195.html, https://winknews.com/2023/02/21/ban-the-jab-proposed-resolution-vote-tuesday-evening/, https://winknews.com/2023/02/22/the-next-steps-for-lee-county-gops-ban-the-jab-resolution/
Learn more about Dr. Peter Breggin's work: https://breggin.com/
See more from Dr. Breggin's long history of being a reformer in psychiatry: https://breggin.com/Psychiatry-as-an-Instrument-of-Social-and-Political-Control
Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal, the how-to manual @ https://breggin.com/a-guide-for-prescribers-therapists-patients-and-their-families/
Get a copy of Dr. Breggin's latest book:
Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey
Get a copy: https://www.wearetheprey.com/
“No other book so comprehensively covers the details of COVID-19 criminal conduct as well as its origins in a network of global predators seeking wealth and power at the expense of human freedom and prosperity, under cover of false public health policies.”
~ Robert F Kennedy, Jr
Author of #1 bestseller The Real Anthony Fauci and Founder, Chairman and Chief Legal Counsel for Children’s Health Defense.

Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour - 9.06.23
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
We are now in the year 2023. Humans everywhere have been under assault and have been being attacked for four years. Increasing numbers of freedom-loving scientists and physicians fear humankind is on the brink of a mass extinction event. The health and life impact COVID “vaccines,” including the mRNA and DNA versions, immune destruction,[1] neurological disorders, [2] and early sudden deaths.[3] The Department of Defense is using them for nanotechnology[4] experiments that appear designed to irrevocably change the essences of biological humans[5] and perhaps even capture humans through wireless connections, enslaving them.[6]
As farfetched as the nanotechnology disclosures would have seemed to us three or four years ago, the evidence has been mounting, despite enormous efforts to suppress both the message and messengers, even within the health freedom movement. This is the looming dystopian drumbeat that we hear coming.
Enter Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD
Dr. Mihalcea is a practicing internist and a pathologist. Along with a worldwide circle of physician colleagues, scientists, engineers, and chemists,[7] she is examining the biotechnology found in COVID-19 “vaccines,” as well as other injectable medical fluids and more.
Dr. Mihalcea and Karen Kingston are two of the handful of freedom movement experts/spokespeople in the US who are exposing this potentially species-ending nanotechnology. We have spoken with colleagues who vastly admire her work and agree that stopping totalitarian transhumanism and protecting humanity is at stake.

Thursday Aug 31, 2023
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour - 8.30.23
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
What do the fires in Hawaii have to do with the January 6 political hoax about an “insurrection”?
How has the major media distorted both events?
Diana West is one of the most important journalists of our time, daring to go where no other has dared to go for fear of being canceled as she has done before.
People even heard the dreaded word “cancellation.”
Diana West’s book American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on America’s Character influenced me to think much more deeply about American politics and what evil lurks beneath it.
Your head may temporarily spin with enlightening information during the show, but afterward, you will stand on firmer ground.
Learn more about Dr. Peter Breggin's work: https://breggin.com/
See more from Dr. Breggin's long history of being a reformer in psychiatry: https://breggin.com/Psychiatry-as-an-Instrument-of-Social-and-Political-Control
Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal, the how-to manual @ https://breggin.com/a-guide-for-prescribers-therapists-patients-and-their-families/
Get a copy of Dr. Breggin's latest book:
Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey
Get a copy: https://www.wearetheprey.com/
“No other book so comprehensively covers the details of COVID-19 criminal conduct as well as its origins in a network of global predators seeking wealth and power at the expense of human freedom and prosperity, under cover of false public health policies.”
~ Robert F Kennedy, Jr
Author of #1 bestseller The Real Anthony Fauci and Founder, Chairman and Chief Legal Counsel for Children’s Health Defense.

Thursday Aug 24, 2023
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour - 8.23.23
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
Physician Lee Vliet, MD, CEO of Truth for Health Foundation, takes us on an enlightening and frightening journey through the history of “population control,” which often means the theory and practice of killing people. While we add to this discussion, we also learn from it, and so will anyone who listens to this remarkable interview.
This is a hard reality to confront—that, yes, the elite are sure there are too many of us, and, in the past, they have promoted and distributed vaccines that also sterility in Africa and India.
Now with COVID-19, they are pushing pseudo-vaccines in the form of genetic interventions that are causing both sterility and death in very large numbers of people.
Dr. Vliet has been studying “population control” for decades, and her interview with us will contribute to anyone’s knowledge of this all-important approach to us humans by the elite globalists that is now being inflicted on us under the guise of preventing COVID-19.
Learn more about Dr. Peter Breggin's work: https://breggin.com/
See more from Dr. Breggin's long history of being a reformer in psychiatry: https://breggin.com/Psychiatry-as-an-Instrument-of-Social-and-Political-Control
Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal, the how-to manual @ https://breggin.com/a-guide-for-prescribers-therapists-patients-and-their-families/
Get a copy of Dr. Breggin's latest book:
Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey
Get a copy: https://www.wearetheprey.com/
“No other book so comprehensively covers the details of COVID-19 criminal conduct as well as its origins in a network of global predators seeking wealth and power at the expense of human freedom and prosperity, under cover of false public health policies.”
~ Robert F Kennedy, Jr
Author of #1 bestseller The Real Anthony Fauci and Founder, Chairman and Chief Legal Counsel for Children’s Health Defense.

Thursday Aug 17, 2023
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour - 8.16.23
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
Today’s interview is about a psychiatrist and a school district weaponizing the diagnosis “psychosis” to undermine and harm protestors against the COVID narrative. This is something I have been fearful might happen.
Now in a school district on Long Island, New York, a psychiatrist hired by a school district has declared a middle school teacher to have a “severe psychosis” based on her refusal to go along with students being forced to wear masks. A confirmation of her severe psychosis, he also cited her supposedly too-zealous Christian determination to oppose the mandates and her related belief that there is serious evil behind the abuse of humans under the guise of treating COVID-19.
Our hero’s name is Noelle Florio, a wife, mother, and highly respected teacher for 17 years without a blemish on her record the entire time. When Noelle contacted me and told me her story, I volunteered to be her pro bono medical expert.
At the school district hearing, my detailed report was rejected, including my conclusion that the psychiatrist gave this dreadful diagnosis because of his own biases and that Noelle’s stress was a normal response to her circumstances, including how the school district was reacting to her.
Based largely on the psychiatrist’s findings, the school district has now permanently fired her.
Noelle had already endured two years without pay. She had an attorney for her hearing, but because of the costs and her unemployment, she is now writing her own appeals without benefit of counsel.
It was our privilege to have her on our radio show.
Learn more about Dr. Peter Breggin's work: https://breggin.com/
See more from Dr. Breggin's long history of being a reformer in psychiatry: https://breggin.com/Psychiatry-as-an-Instrument-of-Social-and-Political-Control
Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal, the how-to manual @ https://breggin.com/a-guide-for-prescribers-therapists-patients-and-their-families/
Get a copy of Dr. Breggin's latest book:
Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey
Get a copy: https://www.wearetheprey.com/
“No other book so comprehensively covers the details of COVID-19 criminal conduct as well as its origins in a network of global predators seeking wealth and power at the expense of human freedom and prosperity, under cover of false public health policies.”
~ Robert F Kennedy, Jr
Author of #1 bestseller The Real Anthony Fauci and Founder, Chairman and Chief Legal Counsel for Children’s Health Defense.

Thursday Aug 10, 2023
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour - 8.9.23
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
Ginger and Peter Breggin have a rare, spontaneous one-on-one discussion with each other on the air without a guest. I think this may bring out the best in us. We start by talking about a range of stuff that’s on our minds, with Peter’s focus on the latest assaults from predatory globalism and Ginger’s focus on what people need to know to stand up to the globalists and save the world while it still can be saved.
Ginger discusses the fundamentals that should always be our focus. These include Biolabs and pathogens, both “natural” and manipulated, mRNA and DNA that are always toxic, nanotechnology, central banking, fear propaganda, and more. She has added weather manipulation to the list. For a related discussion, see Breggins’ earlier column, “Primary Crimes Against Humanity — Genocide and Mass Murder.”
You’ll see our genuine interactions and varying emphases in which we try to develop our views and to reach further agreements with each other, about this world and how to live in it. We end spontaneously with “Bring Your Gifts to the Fight!” That sounds like an excellent motto for most of us — one that will revitalize and give meaning to our lives and one that might even save the world.
Learn more about Dr. Peter Breggin's work: https://breggin.com/
See more from Dr. Breggin's long history of being a reformer in psychiatry: https://breggin.com/Psychiatry-as-an-Instrument-of-Social-and-Political-Control
Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal, the how-to manual @ https://breggin.com/a-guide-for-prescribers-therapists-patients-and-their-families/
Get a copy of Dr. Breggin's latest book:
Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey
Get a copy: https://www.wearetheprey.com/
“No other book so comprehensively covers the details of COVID-19 criminal conduct as well as its origins in a network of global predators seeking wealth and power at the expense of human freedom and prosperity, under cover of false public health policies.”
~ Robert F Kennedy, Jr
Author of #1 bestseller The Real Anthony Fauci and Founder, Chairman and Chief Legal Counsel for Children’s Health Defense.

Thursday Aug 03, 2023
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour - 8.2.23
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Your Future Will Be Totally Controlled
Some day you will accept having a chip put in your body, or it will be forced on you, all for your “convenience. ‘You won’t need a passport to travel or even a credit card to charge your purchases. No more need for a wallet with your driver’s license or your insurance data. Soon after that, they will automatically add all your health information and then all of your financial information. Your social credit score will quickly be included, indicating how you’re stacking up in keeping with the official narrative.
Eventually, as in all such efforts to control us, there will be information gathered on you that you never imagined. Your location at any time up to the exact moment will be logged into your chip. So will your biometrics. Anyone with the proper authority — and that will include more and more people — will be able in an instant to access anything on your chip, probably much faster than you can find things on our computer.
How far away is this day? According to world expert and journalist Alex Newman, it is happening now in Communist China, Sweden, and to lesser extents, everywhere. Alex and I both fear that the Free World is no longer free — and if more of us don’t stand up soon — we will be increasingly following the model set for the world by the Chinese Communist regime. Then everything we do, we will do with permission — from personal purchases at the grocery to a private visit with a friend or a chance meeting with someone who casts suspicion on you without your knowing it. Farfetched? Not at all.
And we have not even talked about how they will be able to prevent you from buying what you want or traveling where you want to do in your own city or country. Yes, listen to this fascinating fact-based hour with me, Peter R. Breggin, MD, and that freedom-loving fount of knowledge, Alex Newman.

Thursday Jul 27, 2023
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour - 7.26.23
Thursday Jul 27, 2023
Thursday Jul 27, 2023
What could have led our own Department of Defense to use a biological weapon to attack us, the very people the DoD is supposed to defend? Our book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey, documents that global predatory governance has captured agencies like the CDC, the FDA, NIH, and umbrella agency, HHS. Now it has also captured President Joe Biden enriching him and his family with criminal business deals.
The result is that the American government is serving the interests of the global predators by participating in the destruction of the United States as the last remaining fortress of freedom against the predatory globalists and the completion of their global totalitarian governance.
Sasha Latypova, a retired expert and consultant with the pharmaceutical industry, has become a most profound investigator of what has been the collaboration of the Department of Defense (DoD), Moderna, Pfizer and ultimately what we call the organized global predators. She has determined and documented with other researchers that the DoD and BARDA were the organizing and responsible forces, as well as a major funder, behind the entire manufacturer and distribution of the Moderna and Pfizer genetic jabs in the U.S.
Read the full article here: Department of Defense and BARDA Called the Shots on the ‘COVID Vaccines’
Listen on podcast ⏤ Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin, with their guest, Sasha Latypova, for an eye-opening, explosive America Out Loud PULSE episode that reveals this predatory collaboration of global monsters!

Thursday Jul 20, 2023
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour - 7.19.23
Thursday Jul 20, 2023
Thursday Jul 20, 2023
Of all the nodes of the web of evil, banking is among the most pernicious and influential.
In the opening of this show, we interview banking expert Catherine Austin Fitts as we work to make banking intelligible. It helps to see that banking is not so much about esoteric financial maneuvers. It’s about bloating the wealth of the elite by sapping it from the rest of us.
In the last third of the hour, we explore “How not to let the corruption of the world corrupt the rest of us.”
Right now, this world seems corrupt from top to bottom, but it does not have to stay that way.
We can throw off the evil from our own lives.
Learn more about Dr. Peter Breggin's work: https://breggin.com/
See more from Dr. Breggin's long history of being a reformer in psychiatry: https://breggin.com/Psychiatry-as-an-Instrument-of-Social-and-Political-Control
Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal, the how-to manual @ https://breggin.com/a-guide-for-prescribers-therapists-patients-and-their-families/
Get a copy of Dr. Breggin's latest book:
Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey
Get a copy: https://www.wearetheprey.com/

Thursday Jul 13, 2023
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour - 7.12.23
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
Journalist Leo Hohmann is our guest in our series on “The Greatest Threats to Freedom Today.”
Leo provides a brilliant analysis, starting with the flooding of American and European cities with aliens from other cultures, in part leading to the riots and uprising in France that are spreading throughout Europe, and then globalism itself.
Leo has a great grasp of the overall threat of globalism, and anyone who listens to this show will be further enlightened about the New World Order that is closing in on humanity.
This is an hour worth anyone’s and everyone’s attention.
Learn more about Dr. Peter Breggin's work: https://breggin.com/
See more from Dr. Breggin's long history of being a reformer in psychiatry: https://breggin.com/Psychiatry-as-an-Instrument-of-Social-and-Political-Control
Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal, the how-to manual @ https://breggin.com/a-guide-for-prescribers-therapists-patients-and-their-families/
Get a copy of Dr. Breggin's latest book:
Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey
Get a copy: https://www.wearetheprey.com/